ADIafrica International Summit on Circular Economy and Sustainability (IASCES)

ADIafrica International Summit on Circular Economy and Sustainability (IASCES)

4th – 5th November, 2022.

Organised by
Africa Global Development for Positive Change Initiative
In collaboration with:
Supported by:

Mission and Vision

According to the definition broadly accepted in the academic world circular economy is an economy “restorative and regenerative by design. In a circular economy, there are two kinds of material cycles: biological, capable of being reintegrated into the biosphere, and technical, destined to be re-valorized without entering the biosphere.”. Circular Economy, Sustainability and Regeneration are, therefore, very closely connected and widely accepted key terms defining a new framework and gradually constitute the goals of any economic development. One can understand the exponential growth in the demand for activities, research, practices, policies, and information regarding these terms by querying now Google search engine about circular economy showing around 8.65 million results, a surprising result, considering that in April 2015 an identical search only yielded 471,000 results. An urgency in both investigative and academic research and texts show lively interest around this new macroeconomic framework and set of goals. Many conferences are now organized worldwide to address these issues from an academic viewpoint. IASCES summit on Circular Economy, Sustainability and Regeneration is planned to uniquely create an international platform for fostering high quality discussions in depth between experts, academics, practitioners, industries, businesses, entrepreneurs, policy makers and all actors involved in this new framework. The aim is to create synergies and collaborations between all these actors in an international level. It comprises of a series of events as international conferences. Currently the two main events organized at Leuven, Belgium are ICAWW (INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ADIAFRICA WASTE TO WEALTH) and ICASRA (INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ADIAFRICA SUSTAINABLE AND REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE).



Mission and Vision

ICAWW series of International Conferences aims at addressing all major topics of transforming exhausted utilities into valuable commodities through efficient waste management. Generating wealth from waste has been recognized as a major challenge for all international organizations, for all countries in the globe, their governments, and their respective organizations. Moreover, this series of conferences aims at addressing in depth all issues and challenges in the application of circular economy and sustainability model in the world economy. These conferences are planned to create an international platform for fostering discussions in depth between experts, academics, practitioners, industries as well as policy makers in the field of efficient waste management and transformation to wealth via innovative waste-to-wealth industrial frameworks towards zero waste solutions and moreover, to contribute in depth in the discussions of circular economy and sustainability models realization.

The 2022 ICAWW International Conference from Waste to Wealth is targeted to become the premier forum for the presentation of technological advances, research results, new products, projects, and policies as well as successful case studies for transforming waste to wealth and developing sustainable circular economy worldwide.
The aim is to create synergy between academy, business, and policymaking in the field of turning waste into wealth. Representatives of businesses and organizations, engineers and scientists from industry, government and policy makers, academia professors, researchers and students who want to report novel scientific results, case studies, good practices, technological and commercial products advancements in the multidisciplinary areas of waste to wealth developments, circular economy and sustainability progresses are invited to attend the ICAWW Conference and interact with major worldwide experts.


Mission and Vision

ICASRA is an International Conference on Sustainable and Regenerative Agriculture, Environment, and the Markets. Through the years it has been understood that Agriculture has a significant environmental footprint. It is linked with approximately one third of global land use and it is one of the main reasons for land use change globally including destructive changes in biodiverse ecosystems. Food production, according to recent research, is also allied with 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, global food needs are expected to grow, as a result of increases both in population and in per capita demand. In response to these various pressures, many actors are seeking more sustainable ways of producing food in ways that are not only sustainable but with minimum environmental footprint. Therefore, there is growing demand for sustainability and regeneration through applying new methodologies, techniques, and practices. It aims at establishing a series of premier events and forums for the presentation of new advances, policies, best practices, and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Sustainable and Regenerative Agriculture, related, also, to the fields of Environmental and economic viability (including Entrepreneurship) as well as related to the field of Markets Development (including Supply Chain Management and Quality Control). These conferences will bring together leading researchers, engineers, scientists, practitioners, farmers, and policy makers in the above domains of activity from around the world. ICASRA series of premium events aims at gradually covering, mainly, but not limited to, the following list of topics of interest. This first conference will be organized through research paper presentations of invited speakers and experts regarding this major list of themes.

The Keynote Speakers:

Opening of the conference by Dr Prince Dan Mbachi
International President ADIafrica, Nigeria.
Mr Ingrid
Ms. Ingrid Rostad
Co- facilitator of NGO major group in United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Also, policy advisor in Norwegian forum for development and environment, Norway.
Topic: The role of NGOs/civil society as drivers of policy change and implementation of international environmental agreements.
Dr. Neyara Radwan,
Mechanical Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University, Egypt & King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia.
Topic: Towards a Circular Economy: Addressing the Waste Management Threat in Developing Countries
Mr. Chris Claes
Executive Director, Rikolto International, Belgium.
Topic: Putting urban food policies into action for a sustainable food system.
Mr. Kimmo Kontuniemi
PlasticOil, Chief Business Development Officer, Finland.
Topic: Chemical Recycling of Plastic Waste: Accelerates Circular Economy.
Ms. Rania Lampou,
Ministry of Education, Greece.
Topic: Towards a waste-wise school.
Mr. Didier Appels
Close the Gap, Impact & Business director, Belgium.
Topic: Refurbishment and reuse of ICT hardware to Bridge the Digital Divide
Dr. Enriko Ceko,
Head of Business Administration & IT Department, CIT university, Tirane, Albania.
Topic: Waste Management in the Balkans.
Mr. Peter Schelstraete
Co-founder and CEO Ubuntoo, The Netherlands.
Topic: The Sustainability Supermind – the Collective Intelligence Needed to Help Solve our Environmental Challenges.
Mr. Patrick Janssen
DungDung and Hairrecyle, Founder, Belgium.
Topic: The Many Opportunities of Hair Recycling.
Prof. Reis Mulita
Director of Projects Office and Internationalisation, CIT university, Tirane, Albania.
Topic: Circular Economy.
Dr. Peter Nitschke
Director for Community Partnerships, Plastic Bank, Canada.
Topic: Preventing Ocean Plastic by Reducing Poverty.
Mr. Muhammad Shafique
Chairman Wespak Welfare Trust (WWT), Pakistan.
Topic: Climate change and mitigation patterns to adopt.
Mrs. Anja Carron
President & Founder THEIA International and Global Chairperson for Circular Economy, Germany.
Topic: Young Generation Africa: Beyond Tradition into a Regenerative Future.

Chair Members:

  • Prof. Patrick Van Damme, Dean Faculty of Tropical AgriScience, Czech University of Life Sciences, Czechy.
  • Dr. Annelies Verdoolaege, Coordinator Africa Platform Ghent University Association, Belgium.
  • Mr. Sidi Rana Menggala, PhD student University Ghent & ADIafrica, Director of Agriculture, Belgium.
  • Prof. Dimitrios Karras, ADIafrica Director of Research & Documentation, Greece.
  • Dr. Ria Aerts, ADIafrica Head of International Affairs, Australia.
  • Mrs. Maria Alicia Maldonado, Secretary of ADIafrica Thank Tank Team, Argentina.
  • Dr. Gowthavaram Chengala Kavitha, Secretary of ADIafrica Global Governing Council, India.
  • Dr. Ruben Garcia, Moderator ADIafrica Think Tank Team, Peru.
  • Mr. Olivier Dassou, Director of Programs ADIafrica Global Governing Council, Belgium.

The Organizing and Advisory International Committee Members:

  • Mrs. Aisha Karanja, Back to Basics, Founder and CEO, Kenya.
  • Prof. Anita Freimann, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia
  • Prof. Annelies Verdoolaege, Ghent University, Department of African Languages and Cultures, Belgium.
  • Dr. Biswajit Roy Chowdhury, South Asian Institute for Advance Research & Development (SAIARD), Founder Chairman, India.
  • Dr. Chris Sotiropoulos, Global Opportunities Commercialisation, Founder and CEO, Australia.
  • Mr. Dann Taneo Diez, Sustainable Energy and Enterprise Development for Communities Inc, Philippine Executive Director, Philippines.
  • Mr. James Jeong, IPYG, Deputy director Of IPYG Busan branch, South Korea.
  • Prof. emeritus Jan Degadt, KULeuven, Faculty of Economics and Business, Belgium.
  • Prof. Jelena Lonska, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Latvia.
  • Mr. Kimmo Kontuniemi, PlasticOil, Chief Business Development Officer, Finland.
  • Dr. Khawla Al-Muhannadi, Environment Friends Society, President, Bahrain.
  • Mrs. Lubna Dawany, Family Development Association and Euromed for Rights, Attorney at Law, Jordan.
  • Prof. Neyara Radwan, Mechanical Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University, Egypt &
    King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia.
  • Mr. Marnick Vanlee, Close the Gap, Senior Project Manager, Belgium.
  • Prof. Muthmainnah, Universitas Al Asyariah Mandar in West Sulawesi, Indonesia
  • Mr. Paolo Zaramella, Studio Centro Veneto, Certified Management Consultant, Italy.
  • Dr. Peter Nitschke, Plastic Bank, Director for Community Partnerships, Canada
  • Dr. Sanjay Kumar Bathar, Wave of Kindness, Founder and Medical Doctor, Pakistan.
  • Prof. Subhash Tripathi, Associate Director-Research, GLA University, India.
  • Dr. Vera Komarova, Daugavpils University, leading senior researcher, Latvia.

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Friday 4 November 2022:
9.00am: Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Prince Dan Mbachi, International President ADIafrica, Nigeria.
Topic: Role of ADIafrica.

Dr. Peter Nitschke, Director for Community Partnerships, Plastic Bank, Canada.
Topic: Preventing Ocean Plastic by Reducing Poverty.

Mr. Muhammad Shafique, Chairman Wespak Welfare Trust (WWT), Pakistan.
Topic: Climate change and mitigation patterns to adopt.
10.00am: Break
10.15am: Keynote Speakers:
Ms. Ingrid Rostad, Co- facilitator of NGO major group in United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),
a policy advisor in Norwegian forum for development and environment, Norway.
Topic: The role of NGOs/civil society as drivers of policy change and implementation of international environmental agreements.

Dr. Neyara Radwan, Mechanical Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University, Egypt & King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia.
Topic: Towards a Circular Economy: Addressing the Waste Management Threat in Developing Countries.

Dr. Enriko Ceko, Head of Business Administration & IT Department, CIT university, Tirane, Albania.
Topic: Waste Management in the Balkans.

Mr. Didier Appels, Close the Gap, Impact & Business director, Belgium.
Topic: Refurbishment and reuse of ICT hardware to Bridge the Digital Divide.
12.00pm: Break
1.00pm: Paper (academic) & company or organization presentations.
Yanina Dehaerne, Deakin University, Australia.
Topic: Turning reused material into a biogas installation.

Sharon Tshipa,, University of Botswana, Botswana.
Topic: Encouraging Circular Lifestyles: Perspectives of Botswana waste sector stakeholders.

Srđan Kerčević,, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
Topic: Circular Economy and Sustainability in the European Union as a common response to the crisis consequences. Co-Author: Anita Freimann.

Tim Gittens,, Corvinus University Budapest, Hungary.
Topic: Informal entrepreneurship and the circular economy in Hungary: entrepreneurial practices of Roma communities. Co-Author: Laszlo Letenye

Alan Dwi Wibowo,, Lambung Mangkurat University, Indonesia.
Topic: Designing circular economy through bioconversion of solid decanter palm oil waste.

Enriko Ceko, Canadian Institute of Technology, Albania.
Topic: On the relation between sustainable development and ISO 9001:2015 standard.
3.00pm: End of first day.
Saturday 5, November 2022:
9.30am: Keynote Speakers:
.Mr. Peter Schelstraete, Ubuntoo, Co-founder and CEO, Belgium.
Topic: The Sustainability Supermind – the Collective Intelligence Needed to Help Solve our Environmental Challenges..

Mr. Patrick Janssen, DungDung and Hairrecyle, Founder, Belgium.
Topic: The Many Opportunities of Hair Recycling

Mr. Chris Claes, Executive Director, Rikolto International, Belgium.
Topic: Putting urban food policies into action for a sustainable food system.
10.30am: Break
10.45am: Keynote Speakers:
Ms. Rania Lampou, Ministry of Education, Greece.
Topic: Towards a waste-wise school.

Mr. Kimmo Kontuniemi, PlasticOil, Chief Business Development Officer, Finland.
Topic: Chemical Recycling of Plastic Waste: Accelerates Circular Economy.

Prof. Reis Mulita, Director of Projects Office and Internationalisation, CIT university, Tirane, Albania.
Topic: Circular Economy.

Mrs. Anja Carron, President & Founder THEIA International and Global Chairperson for Circular Economy, Germany.
Topic: Young Generation Africa: Beyond Tradition into a Regenerative Future.
12.10am: Break
12.45am: Paper (academic) & company or organization presentations.
Ria Aerts, Global Opportunities Commercialisation, Australia.
Topic: Circular Economy Barriers for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.

Reis Mulita,, Canadian Institute of Technology in Tirana, Algeria.
Topic: Challenging Sustainable Developments through Smart and Inclusive Education on Circular Economy.

Moustapha Drabo, Ghent University, Belgium.
Topic: Human-edible Acacia s.l. products, overlooked treasures in the arid tropics – A commentary.
Co-Authors: Katleen Raes and Aly Savadogo.

Jelena Lonska, Rēzekne Academy of Technology, Latvia.
Topic: Plate Waste in School Catering in Rezekne, Latvia.
Co-Authors: Anda Zvaigzne, Inta Kotane, Inese Silicka, Lienite Litavniece, Sergejs Kodors, Juta Deksne, Aija Vonoga.

Dimitrios Karras, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Greece.
Topic: An overview of Circular economy and sustainability research topics trends and challenges.
2.15: Award ceremony. Awards offered by Emiel De Meyer on behalf of the African Platform of Ghent University.
2.30: Farewell and till next year.