
The 2nd ADIafrica International Summit on Sustainable World Food Security Systems & Environmental Sustainability


Transformations towards Sustainable Agrifood and Public Health Systems in Africa


Congress Hall, Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja Nigeria.


28th – 30th December, 2024.

Organised By:


In Collaboration with:

Background of the Summit

Our current global food systems face numerous issues, including food insecurity, environmental degradation, conflicts such as Russia-Ukraine war, violent conflicts in Sudan, Nigeria, Congo, political upheavals in Francophone African countries threatening peace and livelihoods, pandemics (e.g. HIV, Ebola Virus and Covid-19) and animal diseases, unequal distribution of resources and natural disasters related to climate change such as flooding, erosion, desertification to mention but a few. Unfortunately African countries are more vulnerable like other developing countries to these crises as they lack the capacity to cope. Transforming these systems in developing countries like Nigeria, Africa and other developing economies is key to building a globally resilient agrifood system and ensuring equitable access to nutritious food while minimizing negative environmental impacts. This transformation requires a shift towards agro-ecological and regenerative farming practices, reduced food waste, sustainable sourcing, and supporting local food economies. Addressing these challenges requires holistic and integrated approaches that consider their interdependencies which are well recognized in the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) especially SDG 1 (eliminate poverty in all its forms), SDG 2 (Zero hunger), SDG 8 (Decent jobs for youths and sustainable economic growth), SDG 13 (take climate action), SDG 14 (The Blue Economy) and SDG 17 (Partnership for development). The Summit particularly aims to address the continental level focus of the African Union’s (AU) Agenda 2063, “The Africa We Want“.

To this end Technological Innovations, effective policies and regulations, awareness among consumers about the importance of sustainable food choices and healthy lifestyles, deepening investments in agric-food systems, collaboration among governments, NGOs, academia, businesses, and local communities are vital. Working together can pool resources, knowledge, and expertise to implement effective strategies and share best practices.

ADIafrica acknowledged these challenges as urgent and of the highest priority, and intends to address them in its Framework for Action through a series of normative policy recommendations to countries seeking to increase the nutritional and environmental viability of their food systems. Sub-Saharan African countries as well as other developing countries are very vulnerable to environmental challenges and food insecurity as well as poverty.

This workshop therefore is geared towards the contribution to improve food security and sustainable food system in Africa. At this summit we hope to achieve a balance between food production, food security, healthy living and sustainable utilization of natural resources, agricultural financing, in providing healthy nutrition for the existing population while preserving the benefits for future generations.

The summit thus aims at increasing awareness of today’s food, environmental and related health challenges especially nutrition challenges, providing a forum to diverse stakeholders to discuss strategies for food-system reform in Nigeria, Africa and other developing countries facing similar challenges. Seven parallel sessions, comprising expert presentations and country case studies will be organized. The summit will also include a session for students, exhibitions/Business to Business events, gender activists campaigns, exhibitions of innovative products and models (of technologies, business and finance), awards for best presentation by Ghent University, several special events and networking sessions. A special session, that will close the summit, will provide the stock of issues addressed in previous sessions. and will call for new ways of working together and expressing SMART policy commitments by countries and other key stakeholders to realize the opportunity presented by the Decade of Action on Nutrition of United Nations and the SDGs, especially SDG 1 SDG 2, SDG 8, SDG 13, SDG 14 and SDG 17. 


  • Transformation towards secure/sustainable Agric Food Systems.
  • Transformation towards a resilient Agric Value chain.
  • Scoping opportunities / challenges inherit in Agric food system. 
  • Policies and issues in addressing barriers towards establishing a viable Agric food systems in Africa. 
  • Transformation toward a resilient Agric Food systems in a changing climate (Risk & Vulnerabilities and impact assessment. 
  • Nexus between Agric food systems and resilient public health. 
  • Promoting Innovation / state of the art technologies to address challenges in Agric Food systems and public health. 
  • Agricultural value chain: production, packaging, logistics, preservation and marketing of Agriproduct.


24th – 25th November 2024.
09:00 - 9:30Arrival/Registration
09:30 - 9:40Welcome Remark (Introduction of dignitaries)
09:40 - 10:00Official Opening RemarksDr. Prince Dan Mabachi,
International President, ADIafrica
Country: Nigeria (Host)

Sharon Tshipa,
Co-Founder/Chairperson, Botswana Society for Human Development
Country: Botswana (Co-Host)
10:00 - 10:20Goodwill Messages/Recognition of Guest
10:20 - 10:50BREAKFAST BREAK

Lead Paper Presentation;
Environmental and Climate Impacts on Food Security

Theme: Food Hygiene and Food Safety towards Sustainable Food Security in Africa

The Keynote Speaker will elaborate on the present state of Africa's agricultural sector, expanding on diversity and complexity of the issues facing food safety, food security and food sustainability in Africa.
Mariana Price
CEO, Grow for Health.
Convener, Shine Africa Campaign
Country: South Africa
11:10 – 11:40Break-out Session
11:40 – 12:00Keynote Address:
Agriculture –Tourism, Seasonal, Community driven Solutions Towards Advancing Food Security in Africa.
Mosimaneotsile Thato Heather;
Univeristy of Agriculture & Natural Resources.
Country: Botswana
12:00 -12:20EXHIBITION
12:20 – 12:50Photograaph with Dignitaries
12:50 - 1:30Lunch Break
1:30 – 2:10Paper Presentation:

• Beef Value Chain
Mr. Robert J. Lintvelt;
Netherlands African Meat Technology Partners.
Country: Netherlands
2:10 – 3:00Paper Presentation Syndicates

• Modern Methods and technologies in Agricultural
Production, associated Practices and African Food
Professor Dimitrios A. Karras;
Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Athens.
Country: Greece
End of the day
26th – 27th November 2024.
08:00 - 8:20Recap and Introduction to the dayDirector of Ceremonies
8:20 - 9:00Keynote address
Topic: Towards a Global Sustainable Food System
Sidi Rana Menggala
Ghent University
9:00 - 09:40Lead Paper Presentation
• Water Hygiene
• Stakeholders and Institutions involved foods and environmental insecurity
Federal Ministry of Water Resources.
National President Hygiene Water Producers Association.
Country: Nigeria.
09:40 -10:20Africa’s Growing Population & Food security nexus in a
sustainable Environmental Ecosystem.
Prof. Bello Zari Abubakar
Director, Extension and
Socioeconomic Department
Agricultural Research Council
of Nigeria (ARCN)
Country: Nigeria
10:20 – 10:40BREAKFAST
10:40 – 11:20Hydro-meteorological considerations for food security in
Prof. Precious Nwobidi Ede
Department of Geography and
Environmental Management,
Rivers State University
Country: Nigeria
11:20 – 11:40Organic Food Production as a panacea to increased, healthy food production in AfricaChief Sir, Martins NjokuIhesie JP
National Co-ordinator, Organic Agricultural Development Culture and Practice Pilot Programme, Nigeria.
11:40 – 12:20Keynote Address:

Production of Foods and Packaging for Export

Representative of National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC).
Representative of Export Council.
12:20 – 1:00LUNCH BREAK
1:00 – 1:40 Agro Cluster / Metropolitan Food Cluster.Mr. Robert J. Lintvelt
Netherlands African Meat
Technology Partners.
1:40 – 2:00EXHIBITION
2:00 – 2:30Break-out Session
2:30 – 3:10Paper Presentation Syndicates
• Development, impact and Ethics of novel and data-driven technologies in Food Systems.
• Food Security and the sustainable Development Goals, Synergies, Tensions and Trade-offs.
Engr. Amos Wobialor
Member of Nigeria Institute of Mechanical Engineers.
Country: Nigeria
3:10 - 3:40Group Photograph
3:40 - 4:00Appreciation/ Closing Remark.Dr. Prince Dan Mbachi
International President, ADIafrica.

Academic Research Papers

The Keynote Speakers and Panel Members:

All papers and reports will be peer reviewed by the international committee. Well defined Novelty and Contribution in the fields of the conference will be the primary criteria for acceptance of the intended submissions.

All accepted and presented papers and case studies/project reports will be published as extended abstracts in the conference proceedings with ISBN Number, indexed by Google Scholar and submitted for indexing to other indices too as well as they will be permanently online in the ICAWW/ICASRA conferences website.

After the conference the authors of only registered and presented papers will have the opportunity to submit their corresponding full paper for publication at IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (IOP EES), (https://iopscience.iop.org/journal/1755-1315), indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science (https://publishingsupport.iopscience.iop.org/questions/proceedings-are-abstracted-in/) after undergoing a fast and extra peer-reviewing process. In addition, Extended versions, at least 50% different in content, of the latter full paper submitted for publication at IOP EES could be submitted to the planned special issues too in journals, including SCOPUS/SCIE journals.

The following list of special issues will be updated shortly:

  1. Special issues: Advances in Material Research For Zero Waste And Circular Economy, in the journals KEM/MSF/SSP/DDF/AMR/AMM/EI/AEF (KEM/MSF/SSP/DDF – SCOPUS/SCIE journals 70 EUR/paper publication fee, AMR/AMM/EI/AEF – free of charge online publication) https://www.scientific.net/
  2. Special Issue: Advances in Waste to Wealth Engineering and Management Sustainable Developments towards Circular Economy, https://spast.org/ojspath/announcement/view/18, journal Sustainable Solutions and Society, https://www.spast.org/index.php/ojspath/index
  3. Papers minimum 13 pages and over will be considered for publication in the Social Sciences Bulletin. More information can be found here: https://old.du.lv/en/research/scientific-periodicals/social-sciences-bulletin/

CONTRIBUTIONS SUBMISSION GUIDELINES can be found on our website by clicking the button below. Papers should be maximum 20 pages and presentations maximum 15mins. SUBMISSION LINK for papers: https://conferences.uoa.gr/event/44/overview.


Dr. Prince Dan Mbachi

International President ADIafrica, Nigeria

Sharon Tshipa

Co-Founder/Chairperson, Botswana Society for Human Development, Botswana (Co-Host)

Mariana Price

CEO, Grow for Health, 
Convener, Shine Africa Campaign, South Africa.

Professor Dimitrios A. Karras,

Department of Computer Science, 
University of Athens, Greece.

DR. Sidi Rana Menggala MSc,

Ghent University, Belgium.

Mosimaneotsile Thato Heather,

University of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Botswana

Summit Fees

There are two ways to participate in the summit: in-person or virtual

Exhibition Space:
  • 9.7 per m2 (Round up to 10m2) =  N250,000.00
  • 5.3 per m2 (Round up to 5m2) =    N100,000.00
  • 3.1 per m2 (Round up to 3m2) =    N50,000.00
See Account Details and Link for Registration:

Discounts only apply to corporate and government officials sponsoring at least 2 persons.
Participants who have registered and paid the full fee for the Workshop are entitled to:

    • Conference Documentation
    • Digital copy of the proceedings
    • Refreshments
    • Admission into the Programme
    • Certificates
Registration for the Summit and Sponsoring Possibilities:

On the website www.adiafricadev.org information and forms are found on how to:

  • Register and pay for the Workshop
  • Sponsorship

More information is available via ADIafrica Secretariat:
No. 21 Wimpey Road, Mile 4, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

Phone: +2348133265284

Email: adiafricadev@gmail.com

Click here to Register